Windows Ping always sends one packet, waits for the reply, then prints its output line, repeat. The next thing Windows Ping can not do is send more than one ping packet at a time. You can't get any more accurate with standard PCs today! You can even ask hrPing to use the CPU's "Time Stamp Counter" which is incremented with the CPU's clock cycle. This is usually done by using the Windows' "Performance Counter" which has a resolution of some MHz. What's more, hrPing times the round trip delay in microseconds (1/1000 msec). With hrPing you have the possibility to vary. Not all packet types pass all firewalls and networks equally easy. What's more, hrPing can send UDP packets and ICMP timestamp packets as well. Like every Ping, hrPing sends "ICMP Echo Request" packets to the remote computer and listens to the matching "Echo response" packets. You can do much more with hrPing than with Windows Ping.
Size sweep: Send increasing packet sizes.Can have multiple pings "in-flight", no need to wait for a reply before sending the next ping.Times and handles ICMP error replies as well.Can ping as well with UDP packets or ICMP timestamp messages.Uses high resolution timers, so ping times are accurate to the usec.But hrPing has some advanced features other Pings have not. Many Ping utilities are already available, one is even released with Windows itself, called Ping.